Friday, December 9, 2011

Second (Out of Country) Adventure of the Year 2012: LONDON!!!

"Don't you guys call jackets jumpers?" I asked.
"Yeah." He replied.
"And don't you call tennis-shoes, trainers?" I asked again.
"Yep." He replied.
Ask him about ME.
The voice was clear, and very strong, and I knew it was God. I, and three of my friends, had been talking to Guy, who was from England, for about an hour now, but not really about the stuff we should be talking to him about. We'd been talking about cultural differences, why the heck he was in Ukraine, and just about stuff. Now it came down to who would ask/tell him about God, and that's when He spoke to me, "Ask him about Me."
"Soooo.... what do you think about Jesus?" I asked.
"Well.... I'm part of the Church of England?" He replied, his answer ended like a question. he didn't really know how to respond to a question like that.
"Well... do you like him... do you not?" I asked jokingly, but seriously.
One of my friends piped in, "Yeah, do you love Him?"
Guy looked at both of us quizzically and said, "Uh, I guess."

Last year, I went on a missions trip with YWAM (Youth With a Mission) Orlando to Ukraine and it was absolutely amazing. It's not exactly a country that I would want to go back to, but I am so happy I went because God spoke to me so much while I was on this trip. One of the things that He spoke to me about was where I was going to be doing full-time missions at. I had been praying fervently for the couple of months prior to the trip, really asking God to reveal to me where He wanted me to go. I knew Ireland for sure, but I felt like there was something more. This scenario happened while I was in Ukraine, and it was the most interesting conversation I had during that whole trip. It was our last night of ministry, and the only people we had talked to so far had only been from Ukraine. Then, we met Guy and we ended up talking to him for about an hour and a half which was the longest conversation, yet. After the above conversation, I proceeded to tell him about my heart for The UK and Ireland. I told him about how I felt like God was telling me that He wanted to see His bride unified there. I told Guy that I felt like God was saying that the people in the UK and Ireland didn't really know what it was like to look at God as a provider, a faithful God that will give them what they need, and not just what they need, but also what they desire. I felt like He was telling me that they needed a revelation of how God is there to talk to, and that He is loving and wants us to know Him as a God of love and compassion, and not just a God of judgement and wrath. After I told Guy all of this, he was just looking at me completely dumbfounded and kind of in awe. "How do you know all that? How do you know that GOD is telling you all of that? How do you know that He's speaking to you?" He asked in a way that showed that he wanted to know more. I told him that I knew because God showed me in different ways. Just through life, and in a very strong certainty of things in my heart.

That conversation was probably one of the most interesting and God-inspired conversations I had ever had and really solidified in my heart the fact that I knew God was calling me not only to Ireland, but also to the UK. It was a very profound moment for me. Then, later that night, I found out that this summer, YWAM Orlando is going on a missions trip to London, England. I was SO excited I could not believe it. So, here I am, getting ready to start raising support to go to London, and going to 2 of the countries I feel called to in one year! I can not wait to see what God does! I will be sending out support letters to those who have supported me in the last 2 years, and I will be sending out updates regularly. Please let me know if you would like a support letter, I would be happy to send you one. We are going to London on July 16-August 8, which just happens to be DURING the Olympics! It is such an amazing opportunity, and a couple of my friends are going with me, as well. Please pray for us as we raise finances for this missions trip! If you are interested in supporting me, you can contact me on Facebook or email me.

Facebook: Rachelle Hope Butow

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