Thursday, December 8, 2011

Old Dreams, New Places, New Seams, Old Spaces

First of all, Hello... I've wanted to start making a blog for a while now, but have not had the time to or the knowledge of how to go about such a thing. Many have suggested this, blogging, that is, and I am now conforming to your will, albeit voluntarily. Thank you, Dear Friends, for suggesting this. :) Now... TO BLOG!

You may view me as aloof. You may view me as tough. You may view me as intimidating. You may view me as quiet. You may view me as exclusive. You may view me as funny. You may view me as smart. You may view me as cute. You may view me as talented. You may view me as different. You may view me as... well... a lot of things, but let me tell you who I am... I am a lover of Jesus Christ and there is no other true substance to my life except Him. I am a lover, a fighter, a believer. I am a sinner, a bond servant; I am human. These are not excuses to lead someone to believe I am mostly good or mostly bad, but that I am what I am, and the Bible tells me so. :) Jesus is the ultimate lover, the most just fighter, the most devout believer. He is completely pure, a loving master, and completely other than. This is why we were made for each other. Him and I, we're buds. Always have been, always will be.

The title of this pretty much my life summed up until this very moment. To explain it in depth would take a whole book, or volumes of books.  One thing is for sure, Old Dreams die hard, because they were never meant to die. No matter how extreme or "unrealistic"(what does that word mean anyways?) they may seem, they are ALWAYS possible. You know why? Get ready for a cliche, "all things are possible with Christ". This is not a joke. These past 4 years of my life have been evidence of this. These past 4 years of my life have been tumultuous to say the least, but magnificently Jesus-filled to say the... well... "most" doesn't really describe it. God has been breaking down walls and building up dreams. Breaking my stubborn, stubborn will, and making it new in a way that Glorifies HIM and not me. Teaching me to trust when it looks bleak, teaching me to have faith when it seems like there is no way in heck that that thing could possibly happen in real life, teaching me to love when it seems hard or when I'm in a bad mood, teaching me to do what He tells me to do no matter how much I don't want to do it. God has been allowing me to go to New Places in the physical  and New Places in the spiritual. I am going to Ireland in the end of March for 2 weeks, which has been one of my dreams for the past 5 years, that I was starting to believe would never actually happen. I love to travel, but I am dirt poor, but somehow, by the end of this year, I will have managed to have been  to 7 countries in 4 years.  He's given me New Seams, I am a brand new person. Once filled with bitterness and anger and pride, I am making my way to being trusting, happy, and humble, even in the toughest circumstances. He filling the Old Spaces where those things used to be with new fruits of the Spirit and promises that He has made that He always keeps.  I am a new person, and I can't wait to write about and share all the new things that He is doing in me and the adventures that He holds for me. :)

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