Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Mighty Deliverer

The clouds form overhead
A sense of weariness, sadness pours in
Night has fallen and the darkness is thick
When will the light break through?
When will these dark days end?

You say that mourning lasts for the night
but joy comes at the dawn of a new day
When will this be a reality?
For it seems that this night is lasting a lifetime
Like the darkness is everlasting, impenetrable

The storm has been raging for a while now
Is an everlasting storm possible?
I think You say, "No." but my heart denies this
When will the light break through?
When will these dark days end?

I need Your reassurance
I desire Your loving kindness
Speak your words of comfort to me, oh Lord
For my soul is weary and my heart, it aches
I long for You to be near to me

When these troubles come
When this storm rages and wages war against me
Comfort me, teach me to lean on You
For you are my strong tower
You are my deliverer

You are the deliverer of those
Who are righteous before you
Teach me, oh Lord, how to be righteous in your sight
Let the darkness not overtake me
Fill me with Your light, teach me to be strong

Give me Your wisdom
Teach me Your ways
Show me Your plan for my life
I need Your words of truth to penetrate my spirit
My inner man longs for Your counsel

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