Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's A New Year!!! :D

First of all, hello, friends!
It's been a couple weeks! :)

Ohhhh man. I don't know about you all, but so far, this year has been so amazing! I know it sounds horrendously cliche, but literally, when I woke up on January 1st I felt totally refreshed and ready for what ever life threw my way. This feeling is still living on in me even now. I am just sooooo amazed at God's faithfulness, and, you know what? I don't give a (PROFANITYYY! lol! just kidding :P) about what anybody says about how bad this year is going to be because I KNOW that this year is going to be full of amazing things. Already, it has been an amazing year; busy, but amazing. I was thinking back on 2011, and I was just blown away at how amazing it was. God did so many cool things for me and the people around me! The first really awesome thing that happened in the year 2011 was that, in April, me, my mom, and 3 other people from the International House of Prayer East Bay got to go to minister to a different Native American reservation... ALL the way in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. Who even knows about South Dakota? lol! It was SO amazing! Not only did we go to who-knows-South Dakota, but we DROVE 22 hours to get there each way!! :D We got to partner with an amazing ministry called Native Nations Ablaze. I've never met more awesome people in my life! Then, in June I got to go to Kiev, Ukraine! My second missions trip with YWAM Orlando! God gave me some awesome revelation about what I'm supposed to do with my life, and where I'm headed. I also made some awesome friends! AND THEN, we got to go back to Pine Ridge reservation in October with our WHOLE FAMILY! That was just such a God thing because it was all donations based. We sure as heck did not have enough money to pay for our whole family to fly to Denver and then rent a car and drive the rest of the way, but God provided, because He's awesome like that. AND (EVEN MORE) THEN, at the end of October God totally set up a connection for me in Ireland, which I was SO STOKED about, but didn't know how I was going to get the money, and then God was AMAZING and gave me an opportunity to help a friend of ours in Texas watch her 4 kids while her husband was on a business trip, and make $800 in the process. EXACTLY what I needed for the plane ticket to Ireland. I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E. I was pretty much freaking out when I got that opportunity. Now, I am OFFICIALLY going to Ireland March 28th-April 8th with my fantabulous Grammy, and we are already starting to make plans! I'M SO EXCITED!!! :D On a much smaller scale, but still exciting to me... for Christmas I got something that I have been wanting for a very long time, a Claddagh Ring with my birthstone in it. A Claddagh (Klah-duh) ring is an Irish ring that normally is given as a token of love, but for me, it is my purity ring, my outward expression of my devotion to Jesus. The ring's focal point is a two hands holding a heart with a crown on top. This represents friendship, love, and loyalty. It's beautiful and I love it! Thank you, Mal'aki (my amazing brother)!! :)

     I am looking forward to this new year with great expectancy. There are already things planned for this year that I know are going to make it amazing. Like I said, I am FINALLY going to Ireland and NOT on a missions trip (although, I'm obviously not objecting to that), but just to go and get a feel for God's heart there. Then, on Memorial Day Weekend (in May), we are having a BURN (24 hours of non-stop prayer and worship) in Round Valley Native American Reservation which is in Round Valley, CA. This is very dear to my heart because my family has been ministering there for the past 3 years, and God has really been plowing the ground there. We're hoping to see the atmosphere changed and for lives to be saved!! Then in July I'm going to London, England during the 2012 summer Olympics and am going to be there for 4 weeks doing ministry with YWAM Orlando, once again. I hope that many more amazing things will happen this year, as well as a HUGE harvest for Christ, as many well-known Christian prophets have foretold. That would just be AWESOME!! I will be praying for you, my dear friends, that you would have an amazing year, as well. I know that 2011 seemed like a year of trials, as well, even though God did some incredible things. I know it was for me, but I really feel like this year is going to be a year of hope and answered prayers. Take that, and receive it! I love you all! Happy 2012! :D

P.S. If you are reading this and you would like me to send you a support letter for my 2012 missions trip to London, England, please write in the comments, send me an email, or message me on facebook, and let me know! I would love to send a support letter to you! :)

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