Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Psalm 139

Hey, guys! Just wanted to share a couple of my favorite passages from the Bible to you, and tell you what they mean to me. I hope that what I feel like God has spoken to me about these verses will encourage you and strengthen you.

Seraphina :)

Psalm 139

"1Lord, you have examined me
and know all about me.
2You know when I sit down and when I
get up.
You know my thoughts before I think
3You know where I go and where I lie down.
You know everything I do.
4Lord, even before I say a word,
you already know it.
5You are all around me--in front of me and in
and have put Your hand upon me.
6Your knowledge is amazing to me
it is more than I can understand.
7Where can I go to get away from Your
8I go up to the heavens, You are there.
If I lie down in the grave, You are there.
9If I rise with the sun in the east
and settle in the west beyond the sea
10even there You would guide me.
With Your right hand you would hold me.
11I could say, "The darkness will hide me.
Let the light around me turn into night."
12But even the darkness is not dark to You.
The night is as light as day;
darkness and light are the same to You.
13You made my whole being;
You formed me in my mother's body.
14I praise You because You made me in an
amazing and wonderful way.
What You have done is wonderful.
I know this very well.
15You saw my bones being formed
as I took shape in my mother's body.
When I was put together there,
16You saw my body as it was formed.
All the days planned for me
were written in Your book
before I was one day old.
17God, Your thoughts are precious to me.
They are so many!
18If I could count them,
they would be more than all the grains
of sand.
When I wake up,
I am still with you.
19God, I wish you would kill the wicked!
Get away from me, you murderers!
20They say evil things about You.
Your enemies use Your name
21Lord, I hate those who hate You;
I hate those who rise up against you.
22I feel only hate for them;
they are my enemies.
23God, examine me and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24See if there is any bad thing in me.
Leas me on the road to everlasting life.

I.... LOVE.... this.... chapter. Friends, family, acquaintances. I believe that ANY question you have regarding your walk with God can be answered in this chapter. ANYTHING. I will now begin to explicate this chapter, and tell you what each little part means to me. Enjoy!

Psalm 139:1-4 is perhaps the main thing that keeps me steady with Jesus with no guilt or shame. These verses mean simply "God knows me". He know the beginning, He knows the present, and most importantly for our little human hearts, He knows the future. He know EVERY thought before I think them, He knows everything I'm going to do before I do it... so here's what that means. GRACE. This is where His wonderful grace comes in. God knows... He KNOWS... so this means, He is NEVER disappointed. We fall down, and He says, "Yep, knew that was going to happen. Just get back up, tell me you're sorry, mean it, and keep going. I'm not disappointed. I don't think you're a failure. I'm not even MAD at you. I just want you to not give up and to keep going. Keep trying your hardest to live a righteous life. I love you." Verses 5-7 are David just saying a response to what I just said. He has us in His hands. He is all around us all the time. No matter what we've done, said, or thought. God's knowledge of what we are going to do before we do it, what we are going to say before we say it, etc. Is AMAZING!! His knowledge is AMAZING. We can't even begin to understand a knowledge like that. What if we knew everything our friend was going to do, say, or think before they did it, said it, or thought it? I can't even imagine what that would be like. We can't get away from His Spirit. He's always around, and always taking care of us, and watching us. Verse 8-12 have got to be my favorite verse of this passage. This is where I am really amazed by God's faithfulness and LOVE. EVEN if I try to go into the darkness, I TRY to be everything I know I shouldn't; He would still be there right beside me. He would still be trying to speak to me, even in my rebellion, even in my sin. I could be at my highest, most successful moment of our lives, or I could be in the lowest, low of my life and He would STILL be there. He would still GUIDE me. There is no where I could go to get away from His love. Absolutely, Nowhere. Because EVERYWHERE is His. EVERYTHING is His. AND EVERYONE is His. So wherever I go, what ever I do, what ever the heck I say, everything is His so He is there. I could even envelope myself in darkness, I could tell the darkness to HIDE ME, but it would do nothing because dark is exactly the same as light to Him. He can see me still, even in my darkness, He says, "Dark, but lovely."  

Verses 13-16 are probably the most well known. These verses are a HUGE rebuttle to the pro-choice movement. God SEES. And whether they want to admit it or not, that scares the crap out of them. God knows and He sees that little baby forming inside of it's mother's womb. He sees the bones, He sees the whole transformation from nugget life-form to human. He should be praised because our creation, the way we were created, the way He created for us to be created is WONDERFUL. It's unlike anything else in this world, it is so beautiful, and a life that has been so beautifully created should not be so brutally murdered. Torn limb from limb. Can you imagine.... can you IMAGINE.... how that breaks the Daddy heart of God? I can't. Not at all. He has written all the days of YOUR life... YOU, who once was that baby He saw the bones form in that womb.... ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE in His BOOK. What in the world is His book? He has a BOOK that is FULL of my life. ALREADY. It's full!!! That is so awesome! Verse 16 is my favorite verse and I have it on my wall in my bedroom. It is a constant reminder that GOD KNOWS. He knows everything. Every mistake, every success, every question, every answer, every hard thing, every good thing, every up, and every down. He knows and He is thrilled with you. Verses 17-18 are just words of praise to the incredible God that He is. These two verses constantly remind me to think about God's precious thoughts. The thoughts that He has put in my heart and how they affect me. They inspire me to think about what might be God's precious thoughts, even if they are as many as the grains of sand. David, knew some, at least, and they were precious to him. I want that kind of intimacy. Verses 18-22 is David's very human reaction to those who hate God. I understand where he is coming from because he sees this God who is SO intimate with him. Who LOVES him so much. Who talks to him and teaches him. David is a fiery lover of his God and his anger is righteous. But then in verses 23 and 24, David realizes that he needs to love his enemies regardless. I want to have this kind of heart position towards God, as well. I want to feel things in my heart that I deem to be justifies, and I want to take them to God anyways and just be like, "Look, God. Is this what you want? Examine my heart. Is it evil? Are these things that I think are right, really right? Teach me! Teach me YOUR ways, God, and not mine. Teach me to live righteously in your eyes."

God is the most beautiful thing in... anything. I have never "seen" anything so beautiful. The way that He works in peoples lives, even if it is in a Daddy-disciplinarian way, it is always good. It is never cruel. God does not play games. He loves.

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