Monday, March 12, 2012

Wowzer! (Ireland Trip)

Wowzer! It has been a long time since I've posted something on here... sorry, guys.

I have been extremely busy in the past month or so, having people visit, going places, trips here and there, and planning for the upcoming amazingness-es this year! As most of you know, I am going to Ireland and England this year. (If you didn't know that, see posts "First Out of Country Adventure..." and "Second Out of Country Adventure...") My Ireland trip is coming up VERY soon, and it still feel so surreal! I cannot believe that I am going to Ireland. FINALLY. I am always amazed at how much God wants to make the things that we WANT to do possible. We just have to agree with Him. I think that we tend to think that things like going out of the country, even on a fun little vaycay, can be completely impossible. Be it because of money, time off from work, family, WHATEVER, we just that there is no way in heck that is ever going to happen. Let me tell you something..... THAT IS A LIE FROM THEE PIT O' HELL, folks. If what you want to do is in God's will... DO. IT. Don't worry about making time or getting money, or whatever you're worrying about. Just DO IT. Obviously, there is a certain amount of determination and responsibility in partnering with God's will involved, but seriously, if God wants it to happen, and YOU want it to happen, it will happen, trust me. ANYWAYS, (I'm done preaching at you. lol! :P) my grandma and I are scheduled to leave at 2:20pm on Wednesday, March 28th for Dublin, Ireland. We will have a 7 hour layover in London (yes, my fellow London trip-ers, I will get to go to LHR before you. haha! :P), and then we will arrive in Dublin, Ireland on March 29th  at 8:20pm. We are coming back on April 8th, at 5:20pm. It's so funny because that all just feels like dull information when I read that. It has not set in AT ALL that I am ACTUALLY going to Ireland. I know that I won't even fully realize it until I'm there. I'm afraid I might burst into tears when I finally set my feet on that countries ground. My heart is so full for that place. This isn't technically a missions trip, but I'm praying that God would use me to touch the lives of others greatly on this trip. I feel like this may be a practice run for me for next year, when I go there to do my DTS with YWAM in Rostrevor, Northern Ireland. It's so hard to even express the feelings that are in my heart and what I feel toward Ireland and the UK, as well, is something that I think only God and I can really understand. It is extremely difficult to articulate. I know that this trip is more that just looking at the beautiful scenery and hanging out with lovely people, for me this is a time for me to get my feet on the ground of the country I feel called to, and to pray, in that atmosphere, for God's heart. I know that God heart desires for the Christians in Europe to be freed from mundane, dead, unrelational Religion. He wants to see His European bride crying out to Him day and night. He wants to see intercessors begin to talk with Him and pray for their people in Europe. I believe that when Irish believers really start to understand what it means to have a deep, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, when the divides between the protestants and the Catholics fade away in the UK, and the Bride is unified there is going to be a cry that is lifted up amoung these people that is going to be deafening to the rest of Europe. The sounds that they are going to bring, the determination, strength, and opinionatedness that will keep them strong in their faith in Jesus, and their voices will pierce the veil of every other false religion and darkness that is trying to keep the Bride of Christ in Europe silent. I believe that the Irish in particular are a HUGE part of this. I don't know how or why, but I have a very strong feeling that revival is going to happen in Europe, starting with Ireland and it is going to be loud, and it is going to be massive. Get ready people, there are 3 million people in Ireland and they are ALL going to be pounded in the LOVE of Jesus Christ.

Anyways, so we are going to be in Ireland for 11 days and we are going to be in Dublin March 29th-April 1st, which we will most likely meet up with my awesome friends Mark O'Donnell and Cathal O'Leary, and we will also visit a church called Liberty Church! We will probably just walk around and enjoy the city, then we will be off to Angie's house where we will stay and maybe wander out from to visit other cool places until April 4th, where we will then venture off into Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK) and we will stay at the YWAM Rostrevor base (where I will be doing my DTS next year) for 2 days! Then we will go back to Angie's on the 6th, and maybe wander around some other cool place. Then we will be taking off on April 8th, at 10:50am and arriving home at 5:20pm. :) I'M SO EXCITED!!! :D Ahhhh! :)

Some Prayer points:

-That God would keep my grandma and I safe everywhere that we go.
-That we would walk in the Spirit, even as we're having fun and enjoying this amazing country.
-That my grandma wouldn't get freaked out if I randomly start crying or going up to people with prophetic words in Ireland (lol!)
-That God would speak to me and reveal even more His heart towards Ireland and what His plans for me are there.

Love you all!

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