Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Lord is FAITHFUL, Isn't It Great? :D

Hey, guys!

     Well, I just received another $100 today and an AMAZING first check for $735 yesterday! The Lord is so good!! :D I still need about $5000 though, so please pray about partnering with me financially for this school! It's really cool, because one of the things I feel like the Lord has been speaking to me is that I am going to get a couple $1000 checks, and even though the above amount was not quite there, I think it was a little teaser for what's to come! Isn't He so awesome like that? He just continues to build my faith in the most wonderful, stretching ways.
     As I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, the thing that I am most excited about for this DTS (besides the fact that I feel like I am finally stepping into the Lord's dream for my life, which has happened to just blossom into being my dream for my life, as well) is LEARNING. Not like academically (even though I am excited about that), but Relationally. My whole life I have struggled with relationships even though I LOVE people, due to bullying in elementary school. It really messed me up in feeling like I can trust people or that people really, truly care about being friends with me or that I can do something that is a little out there without feeling like people are going to judge and/or reject me. I have had massive issues with fear of rejection, and, honestly, have been the one to reject first to make sure that I didn't get rejected. It's feels terrible to admit that, but it's the truth. The Lord has been really teaching me about this already, and I feel like I am really coming out of that funk, and moving into how He wants me to be with people. I think this is partially due to going on missions trips, and basically being forced (in a good way) to trust and develop relationships with people, go out on a limb to share Jesus with people, and act in dramas (Which I NEVER would have done or even had a desire to do before that, and now love) and such. Another issue that I've had relationally (due to my very strong-willed, independent personality), is being okay with being under the authority of people that are not that much older than me (less than 5 years, probably). I wouldn't say that I'm a rebellious person, but I do have the tendency to think that I'm right... a lot... (eek!). lol! It's pretty bad, but I think the fact that I actually recognize that is a good thing, and the Lord has really been teaching me a lot in this area, as well. The past 2-4 years have been very humbling years for me, and I can really see the goodness of God in how He's dealt with me and multiple issues in my heart over the past few years. It's been very, VERY difficult, but I can honestly say that I don't regret it. I see myself now and compare me with myself then, and it's a pretty different person.  The Lord has been preparing me for this new chapter in my life, and I can't wait for a lot of the issues in my heart to be addressed during this DTS, and I have no doubt in my mind that they will be. Even though I know it's going to be hard, I'm really excited for the challenge and the opportunity to become an even better person! :D

Anyways, that's my shpeel for the day. :) I love you guys! And I love being able to share this journey with you! Modern technology is just so cool like that!

If you want to partner with me for this DTS, you can donate at this link or you can write a check to YWAM and send it to me. To receive my mailing address, email me at or contact me on Facebook.

Thank you so much!!


  1. I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.

  2. Just checking back for any new items you may have posted.
