Thursday, July 11, 2013

It's Finally Here!!

Well, guys, it is finally here! I am FINALLY going to be doing what I've been waiting to do for the past 5 years!! I am going to do a DTS in Ireland. I'm now sitting in the airport at my terminal, in a bit of a daze. Over the past few days I've been reflecting back to how all of this has come to be and it is absolutely amazing.

The Lord has been so faithful with this incredible journey I've been on. I've been making connections, and everything has just fallen into place so wonderfully. A year and a half ago, I was planning on doing a regular DTS at Rostrevor, which I believed would start in September/October 2013. Then, in October of 2012, I heard one of my friends talking about Fire & Fragrance, and really began to learn what that was. I had heard of it before but I had never really known what it was. When my friend was explaining it, my heart connected with it immediately. It was a Discipleship Training School that emphasized exactly what my life has consisted of, prayer, worship, and missions. Little did I know that YWAM Rostrevor in Northern Ireland was planning to hold a Fire & Fragrance DTS starting in July 2013.

When I found out about the F&F DTS in February, I was a little freaked out because I'm a "plan girl", and I'd been planning on doing the regular DTS in September/October. I like to have my plans, and I don't like them to change. BUT, alas, Jesus likes to change MY plans and make them HIS plans. lol! So, He changed my plans. After a few days of praying about it, I woke up one morning and He immediately spoke to me very clearly that I was supposed to go do the Fire & Fragrance DTS. He accompanied this direction with a little vision of me singing over the land of Ireland from a hill (Playing the guitar, too... I don't play guitar.. lol! :P) and there were people behind me, joining in in worship.

As I began to learn more about the YWAM base that I was going to do this DTS at, my heart became more and more stirred for Ireland, and for seeing a lifestyle of prayer being birthed in Ireland once again.

Now, here I am, sitting in the airport, ready to take off for the amazing adventure of a lifetime. I'm going to Ireland for 6 MONTHS. There are a lot of first-times happening (First time flying internationally by myself, first time taking a bus by myself, first time going somewhere without anyone I know, etc), but it is so good, and I know the Lord is setting me up for a lot of personal growth.

God has been so faithful in getting me to this point. I did my part in working 2 nanny jobs for an accumulative 25-30 hours a week, finishing my senior year in high school, and sending out support letters to raise the $10,000 I needed for this school, and He did the rest. I ended up saving $4000 (spending money and airfare) and raising $6000 (DTS Tuition), which was exactly what I needed. It is UNHEARD of for DTS students to have ALL of their money upon arrival for school, but JESUS is WONDERFUL, and I have all the money I need for this journey. I also received my approved Visa in 6 days after it arrived in New York, which is also very unusual. Usually, it takes AT LEAST 12 days for it to process. Jesus has just been so amazing, and I am SO EXCITED to finally be doing this thing.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me prayerfully, emotionally, and financially. You guys have been a HUGE part of preparing for this adventure, and I love you all so much! I know that I have so many people praying for me while I'm embarking on this path that God has me on, and that is such a comfort to my emotions and my spirit.

Mommy, Daddy, and Ki. Thanks for being so strong for me these last few weeks. Your emotional strength has helped me to get through the intense anticipation I was experiencing in WAITING for this day to come. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE you guys so much, and I can't wait to yammer on about what is going on in this DTS, and tell you ALL the stories that I'm sure I'll have to tell.

I'll try to send as many updates as possible, but I'm not sure what my wifi situation is going to be like.

You all are incredible!

Much love,