Sunday, February 24, 2013

And It Begins...

Well, folks! The adventure begins with.... 

SUPPORT RAISING! My DTS (Discipleship Training School) in Ireland starts July 14th and ends January 17th! Woohoo! 

To sum it up for those of you who don't know...

A DTS is a 6 month school run by the organization YWAM ( )  that consists of a Lecture Phase and an Outreach Phase. The Lecture phase is 3.5 months long, and is where we are taught about discipleship, leadership, relationship with God, and other teachings that will strengthen us in our walks with God while in missions. During this particular DTS, we will be traveling all around Ireland to different places to hear from different speakers and immediately going out and applying what we’ve learned through local outreach each week during the Lecture Phase. The Outreach Phase is about 2/2.5 months long, and is where we take everything we’ve learned in the Lecture Phase and apply it in the missions field abroad in 1 or 2 other countries; walking in signs and wonders, doing street and relational ministry, helping the poor, and fighting injustice. The countries to which we will be traveling have yet to be determined, but I will let you know when I know.
The particular DTS that I am doing is called a Fire & Fragrance DTS...
I didn’t even know what Fire & Fragrance was until October 2012, and then 3 months later, I learn that they are having a Fire & Fragrance DTS in Ireland, starting in July. Fire & Fragrance’s vision is “to join with what God is already doing all over the world in calling His bride to a fiery devotion to Jesus married to becoming the very fragrance of Christ to the lost.” It is basically the House of Prayer and Missions in one whammy. This is so totally me, and even though I knew that, I was very thrown off when I found out about this DTS. The Lord settled it in my heart a few days later nonetheless, and now I know that this is what I’m supposed to do.

I am so excited about this new adventure speeding toward me! I had been planning to start support raising in January, as I have quite a bit of money to raise by July 1st, but now, here I am, heading into March, and just now starting to fund raise! haha! Craziness. It's wonderful, though. One of the things I am MOST excited about this DTS is learning. I think that the Lord is going to teach me so much while I am doing this school. I feel like the last 5 years of my life have been crash course pre-learning for this new season I'm entering and it's going to be fantastic. 

I sealed 25 letters into envelopes last night, and am finishing up the other 25 today! Hopefully, I'll have these babies out by Monday or Tuesday to kick this off! I've already received first fruits ($80!!), though, and that is VERY exciting!

This school is going to cost around $10,000 including tuition, airfare, and other things such as getting a Visa and buying things for the trip. I have a job, so I will be saving for about half of it. What I need to raise is about $6000. Also, if any of you have AIRMILES that you would like to donate for my flight to Ireland, that would be absolutely amazing. I will be sending updates to my partners as I get more information. 

All checks can be made payable to YWAM. Please DO NOT put my name in the memo section. Please send all checks to my address, so I can send them together, in bulk. Donations can also be made to my GOFUNDME account, please go to this link to donate: or go to my Facebook page, and click on the link there. To recieve my address, please email me at

You guys have no idea how much of a fulfillment of a dream this is for me. You guys are storing up such treasures in heaven by partnering with me in what I know the Lord is telling me to do. PRAYER is also very, very greatly appreciated! It is so vital for me to have intercessors backing me through this process. There is often opposition when it comes to these things, and knowing that there are people behind me, holding me up with prayer, is a wonderful feeling! THANK YOUUUU! :)

Love you guys!